Thursday, July 31, 2014

Three Day Refresh - Results Are In!

I mentioned last time that I was going to do the 3 Day Refresh that just came out. A few different things came up that caused me to push it back, but I completed it two weeks ago and LOVED it! Seriously. It was so easy to follow, I was never hungry, and it really helped curb my cravings for sweets and chips. I really struggle trying to keep my sweet tooth in check sometimes (although Shakeology helps, especially the chocolate!), but I completed this program a week ago and have only had one cupcake in the time since it ended. When all was said and done, I lost 4 pounds and 5 inches and have been able to keep that weight off, and then some, in the two weeks since.

More importantly, I am regaining the confidence I had when I was vegan and at my lowest weight since (probably) high school. I can honestly say that I am genuinely happy and for multiple different reasons.

Another big aspect of my health journey is my willingness to push myself and strive for change. I still constantly struggle with planning meals, balancing meals, and motivating myself to work out and I don't think I will ever be the person to look forward to working out; it will always seem like a chore to me. But, I can see the changes in my physical appearance and more importantly my attitude towards life since I became a coach, especially during the past month. It has kept me motivated to stick with exercising and making sure I eat decently. I've been getting up at 6:30 if I know I won't have time to work out in the evenings and some days I've even worked out twice! There have been many times over the past few months where I thought about quitting coaching because "it cost too much money" but then I realize I am investing in my health. I live a pretty frugal lifestyle (so much so that my father has yelled at me to start spending money) and spending the $4/day is worth it to me to continue drinking Shakeology, sharing my journey, and hopefully motivating others to join me.

Here is my workout calendar for the month of July. As you can see, I focused heavily on Les Mills Pump since most of my workouts were either early in the morning or late at night. However, towards the end I started adding in some T25.

Tuesday I went for a walk with a friend from RWU along the Newport Cliff Walk. It is a beautiful path that is exactly as it sounds - along the cliffs of Newport. There are extravagant houses along the way since it runs behind many of the mansions and some unique buildings like the one below. It was a gorgeous night for a walk with good company.

Not a bad view, at all!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Hardest Part About Going to the Gym is Going to the Gym...

We are all busy people. Work and life get in the way and it is hard to maintain a structured schedule. 

That is why I love working out at home!

I've never really been one to enjoy going to the gym; I've always felt like I would be judged by people who are in better shape than I am. But, as I've grown "wiser," I don't think that is the case. In fact, it is pretty self-centered to even think that! Regardless, I've never enjoyed that atmosphere and it really made the phrase "the hardest part about going to the gym is going to the gym" ring true to me! 

I don't love working out and it always feels like a chore, even when I am doing a program I enjoy, so cutting out the time it takes to get to and from a gym helps motivate me to get it over with. Plus, I am not spending as much time getting stuff together to drive to and from the gym. I frequently hear coworkers talk about how by the time they get home and have dinner on the table, it is 6:30 or 7:00 pm. By that time, I've already worked out, showered, and, in some cases, eaten! It takes zero minutes to get to my living room, so it leaves me with no excuse not to work out when I am home in the evenings! Plus, I can still get a great variety of cardio and strength training in in a very small space and time frame!

Do you feel like the hardest part about going to the gym is going to the gym? If so, what do you do for exercise? If not, do you take classes or workout on your own?

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Story of My Life!

There is a Aldi's that was just built in Middletown, about 20 minutes away from me. I've been wanting to go for a while, but hadn't made it yet. But, this morning I had to get a ton of food since I haven't been in 3 weeks, so I decided to check it out. When I did a generic search for "Aldi" on my iPhone's map app, nothing came up in Middletown, so I checked the store website, put in the address, and was thrilled to learn it was closer than expected! I grabbed a quarter for my shopping cart, checked my cash, and brought my reusable bags and couldn't wait to see if the savings was worth the trip. However, as I approached the area where the store was supposedly located, there was nothing but trees.

Story. Of. My. Life.

It is not uncommon for me to look for eclectic restaurants only to drive out of the way to find out they are no longer in existence; it's happened so many times it has become a joke!

I ended up back in Bristol at the overpriced Stop & Shop that makes me hate life in Rhode Island (really, the only thing that makes me hate it out here!) and vowed to figure out where the heck this Aldi was so I could go after my appointment on Thursday. Common sense kicked in and I decided to put in the address with "Middletown" after to see if it sent me to the same address in a different city, and sure enough, that was the case! Freaking Rhode Island! This state is so freaking small but they have the same address in two cities that are directly next to each other! At least I know for the next time.

One of my goals over the next few weeks is to find recipes that diversify my vegetable intake and I am starting with a one pot pasta with zucchini and leeks in white wine lemon sauce ( I haven't eaten much zucchini over the past few years because I ate so much when I first went vegan that I couldn't stand to even think about it anymore. But, I am forcing myself to try these things so I can continue working towards a balanced diet.

I am also looking forward to starting my Refresh next week! I love that these programs provide meal plans to follow that really help take the guesswork out of how much to eat each day. If you are interested in details about this program, let me know!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I Can't Believe It Is July...

One of the things I am working on this week is a nightly "to do" list to keep me on track and help me remember to post twice a week. I've actually started going to a therapist to help me cope with my stress/anxiety and, even though my first visit was yesterday, I can already tell a difference. I know I can emotionally remove myself from situations because I can't control my tears (seriously, have a passionate conversation with me about health of the food system and I will tear up!), so I am trying to be more present and deliberate in my actions. It will be a journey, like everything, but I am looking forward to it. That being said, making a list will help to reduce my anxiety!

A lot has happened over the last two weeks, some of which I will discuss and some of which I will not. First, let me say, I am SO happy it has been cooling down at night! I can open my windows and let the heat out of my living room, which is always killer in the summer because of the western facing windows. The rest of my apartment seems to get fairly cool from the window ac unit in my bedroom, but the living room NEVER does. Because of it, I never want to do a cardio workout in the evening because I would be miserable. But, I've been sticking to Pump and occasionally throwing in some TurboFire Core on the weekends.

Last week I flew home to spend the 4th of July with my parents, which was a much needed break from the monotony of my life. I was (and still am) so overwhelmed with the love I felt while home! I had friends visit every single day, and some overlap of friends each day! It was a welcome surprise and really made me miss home. For as much as I love New England, it has been REALLY hard meeting people out here since I live in a small town and being around the people I know and love really made me miss home more than ever. So much so, that my poor parents have to end up dealing with me crying before we even leave the house for the airport!

Now that I am back, I am getting back into the groove of things and trying to find things to occupy my weekends, the first of which will be the RI Brew Fest next Saturday!

Also, next Monday I will be starting a 3 Day Refresh with my team, which I am VERY excited about! I've seen some amazing results since they've returned from Summit and can't wait to share my own with you next week!

In the meantime, enjoy these photos!

People are always amazed when I say I have a bird back home and, even though things aren't as easy as they used to be, I know Rudy still loves me! It takes some time for him to warm back up since I've been gone almost 10 years (where does the time go?!?), but I can always hold him without him biting me, which I take as a plus!

 This is the view of the lake my parents camp/ski at during the summer from their camp site. I took it as we were getting ready to walk to the park for fireworks - a 180 from the rainout the night before! While I disliked spending EVERY weekend here growing up (it took me away from my friends and all of the good weekend festivities!), I can't get enough of it now! Essentially, it is our summer home!

After Granville's fireworks (they're amazing!), I couldn't help but wonder what fireworks would look like from a plane. I actually considered booking a flight for the 3rd next year, just so I could see! But, flying into Philadelphia, I saw numerous shows! Some were the standard backyard fireworks, but some were longer, including what is shown in the picture below. I never imagined towns having their fireworks on a Sunday, but some must do and I am very appreciative of them. Also, a huge thanks to Granville for rescheduling their fireworks for the first (and only) time in 50 years! Seriously, it is one of the reasons I wanted to fly home over the holiday since Bristol's were disappointing last year. I will be making a donation to the Granville Foundation in support of the wonderful memories and our tradition!

 What can I say? I am obsessed with clouds. Just like I would like to live in the ocean, I would also like to live in the sky. I am sensing a problem...

 Last but not least, my workout calendar from June. The first two weeks were rough because of traveling to Texas then feeling sick after alumni weekend, but the later half was great! 

What types of stories would you like to see? If you have suggestions, let me know in the comments!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

2 Week Update

I know, I know. It has been a long time since my last post. I think I need to start allotting 5-10 minutes a day to devote to posting since I can't get into a groove.

As I promised, here is my monthly calendar from May. As you can see, I did not do that well. But, it is still better than I have done in the past:

June also got off to a rocky start between a conference in San Antonio and RWU's Alumni Weekend. I was able to workout one of the days in SA, but not at all until after alumni weekend was over and I was so burnt out from everything that I had no energy the entire following week. A bad sun burn from an hour lunch outside this past Monday put cardio on the back burner. I couldn't even think about wearing a sports bra, so I ended up doing Pump since it is all weights. But, it may have been a blessing in disguise because I have ended up going to bed earlier and waking up earlier, which has challenged me to start lifting in the mornings before work! The sun rises so early that I've been waking up anyways and I think I can put more effort into weight lifting than I can cardio that early in the morning. Friday was my first go at it and it was successful! I've even set an alarm moving forward so I wake up if the sun doesn't get to me first.

In other news, my second mother is visiting me tomorrow AND I get to go home next week (thanks mom and dad!), which will be a much needed getaway.

I will leave you with some more pictures:

Tim and I went to NJ over Memorial Day weekend and stopped by a greenhouse that had pineapple plants! I loved how tiny they were!

The Alamo was only a block from the hotel in San Antonio!

 At some point last week, I busted the bottom of my lamp with my weights. Whoopsies!

 Bristol is getting ready for the 4th! I really can't get over how beautiful this town is, especially this time of year.

 This is why Rhode Islanders do not like driving. Seriously. It took me 45 minutes to get to Trader Joe's this morning. If only they would build a bridge from the East Bay to Warwick...

 I can't get over this view! I just want to sail.

 If you like Indian food and you haven't had this, try it. It is by far one of my favorite frozen meals. Also, if you are well versed in Indian cooking and would like to teach me how to make Tikka Masala (or could share a great recipe), I would love you!

 Finally, Mr. Cat hanging out this afternoon. Yes, I am a crazy cat lady and I don't care!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

21 Day Fix - Part 2!

I've started another adventure with the 21 Day Fix and I have two friends joining me this time! I am going to have a few obstacles to overcome this time, since I will be traveling for a conference then returning only to work 72 hours straight over the weekend. I don't want to risk my Shakeology being confiscated during security, so I am going to take some chocolate Shakeo protein bars I made down to eat during the conference. I will also be taking my workout clothes so I can do my workouts at the hotel! I did my double workout today so I can take my rest day on Tuesday; my hope is to go to the Alamo that evening since my hotel (and the conference) is two blocks away!

RWU is holding their 4th Annual Alumni Weekend Friday through Sunday and I am in charge of accommodations so I am pretty much required to sit in a room for 12 hours a day. Again, I will be taking my workout clothes so I can sneak away for an hour for a quick workout and shower. At least this time I can take Shakeo with me!

One of my friends has started making fun of me because I can't stick to just one workout program. It is a little absurd, I will admit. But, I guess I like variety. I've been using my friends T25 and LOVING it, so I am going to try and finish that entire program. It is a quick 25 minutes a day which is easy to commit to and there is a lot of variety within the program, like Turbo Fire, so it is enjoyable.

I've always preferred working out at home to going to a gym. I always felt like people were judging me and, while it shouldn't matter, it is a "fear" I still have about running outside. I do miss going to the park to run, but it became a process and I felt like I wasted so much time getting ready, going there, finding parking, and getting started. By working out at home, I am literally done in 30 minutes and able to jump in the shower right away. Definitely a perk for me!

I forgot to take a picture of my workout calendar before I left home, but I will post that soon. It was a pretty disappointing month compared to the prior one. But, I am back on track again. I am not perfect and will always be a work in progress. Compared to where I was two years ago, any workout is good!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Back On Track

It won't come as any surprise that I, yet again, let life get the best of me. I stopped focusing on my nutrition and it shows. While I am still working out fairly regularly, I haven't been eating as healthfully as I should be. I was asked to teach my favorite class at my alma mater two weeks ago and I spent a ton of unnecessary time getting an I-9 notarized - I've NEVER heard of getting one notarized and went to three different notaries in RI before finding a fourth in MA that would do it. Needless to say, it was extremely frustrating and stressful. That class started today, so once I am done getting ahead (I barely had time to get this weeks materials posted), I plan on sitting down and really revamping my 21 day fix meal plans into meals that are full of variety and sustainable. I would also like to play with a vegan diet again, with the exception of when I eat out, which will force me to eat more vegetables again. More than anything, that is the biggest thing I struggle with. 

I bought a dry erase calendar so I could see what days I work out, what exercises I do, and the reasons why I miss days. Last month, I worked out more than half of the days, which was pretty exciting! You can see there was an entire week I missed working out because of vacation and another week that was pretty bad because of work and wonderful taxes (working jobs in two different states sucks). 

This past week my best friend and her boyfriend came out to visit, which was a ton of fun! We went whale watching and saw two types of whales, two types of seals, and dolphins. They were SO active - its was amazing! Check out my videos on Facebook, if you haven't already! There were tons of seagulls around and some of them would land on the whales mouths as they fed; I would like to think if I am ever (or was ever) a bird, I would be ballsy enough to surf on a whale!

We also went for a hike at Mount Hope Farm, which was beautiful! Here is a picture of the Bay looking out towards Mt. Hope bridge. Seriously, I am in love!

Our good friend, Kristie, took a picture of us, which makes me laugh because it totally sums us up. Robby was laid-back waiting for all of us, I was busy taking pictures every five minutes because you can never have enough pictures of the same water with the same bridge in the background, and Katie was looking for shells to take back for the children she babysits for. Needless to say, we couldn't have asked for a better day!

This was only the third time I had been to the farm (outside of the farmers markets) as I would usually go to the park to run. But, the farm is so much closer, so I think I am going to start going there after work once or twice a week to walk/jog. The other nights I will be going to the beach to study for the GRE then working out at home. I've already decided I will need to start taking dinner to work with me to eat at 4 pm so I am not eating at 8:30/9:00 at night. 

Spring, summer, and fall in New England are beautiful enough to make up for the crappy winters. Seriously, I've stopped considering moving south I love it here so much. I am sure I would reconsider at some point, but it is just so amazing here!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Let's Talk About Alcohol...

Vacation last week was AWESOME! Monday-Wednesday we hung out around RI and ate at some of my favorite spots as well as some new spots. The food was amazing, as always, and the company was just as good. Thursday morning (read 5:30 am) we left for Philly to see the Braves. It was nice finally crossing that stadium off my list, but it was a cold game. After, we did some shopping at an outlet/regular mall then took the train into NYC.

Our hotel in Chinatown was really nice - probably the nicest bed I've slept in at a hotel, minus the sheets that were half the length of the bed... That night, we walked around Times Square a little bit then headed back and crashed. One of the nice things about the weekend was sleeping in a little bit longer than we normally would've; we slept until about 9:15 every morning which really helped my body recover from all of the running around we did. Friday and Saturday night we went to see the Braves play the Mets which was a ton of fun! There were many "shenanigans afoot" over the weekend and more delicious food and beverage consumed. Have you heard of a baby Guinness? If you haven't I highly recommend you look into it...

Which brings me to my discussion on alcohol consumption.

Why am I always harassed for not drinking when I go out with people? I've never been a huge drinker; I can count on one hand the number of times I have been drunk and, while I enjoy certain beers/liquors, sometimes I just don't want to drink.

Most of the time it is because I am not hungry. I understand that this is a weird concept for many people - drinking has nothing to do with hunger - but it does. The liquid has to go somewhere and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that somewhere is my stomach.

I enjoy craft beers, but most of the time I prefer smaller amounts since I like heavy beers, so they frequently become warm before I can finish a glass.

I am cheap! This should come as no surprise for anyone who knows me. I don't want to spend $8 on a beer I don't like. I don't want to spend $13 on a mixed drink that sucks. I don't want to spend $xx on multiple beverages throughout the night, not only breaking my bank, but also adding numbers unnecessary calories.

I don't want the extra calories! I am on a journey to become healthier and while that doesn't have to mean eliminating alcohol all together, it is easier for me to avoid it because I don't drink much as it is.

So, why is it so hard for people to leave me alone when I order water at a bar? My lack of alcohol consumption does not affect you. If you want to argue that I am not as fun when I don't drink, I would argue back it is because I have to constantly defend my choice not to consume alcohol. It is annoying and it is going to make me grumpy, as anyone would become grumpy when defending a personal choice they've made that has no consequence for anyone else.

Please understand, this is not a dig on any of my friends, but concerns I have with society in general. It has been happening to me for the past 6 years and honestly, it has gotten to a point when I don't want to go to bars anymore because I get so much anxiety about how people are going to give me crap for my choices. My decision is not that big of a deal, so please don't make it one.

In other news, I've doubled the weight I am lifting with Pump and it is hard work, but I am loving it! Grocery shopping will ensue tomorrow so I should be back on track with my nutrition plan again. I tried to be conscious about what I was eating and trying to eat proportional meals, but sometimes we wouldn't eat until 8 or 9 pm which I don't love, but I understand it is the nature of the beast sometimes. Also, eating pizza at 2 am to get something in my stomach after drinking numerous shots/drinks didn't help, but it was a pretty amazing slice!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

It Doesn't Get Easier, You Get Better

"It doesn't get easier, you get better" was the first thing the instructor said when I turned on the Upper Body Fix this morning; it really struck me. All too often I find myself bored with a program I LOVED just a few days before. I absolutely loved doing Turbo Fire, but now I am not as excited about it as I once was. I am not exactly sure why this happens, but that will probably be a post for another time. Regardless, I am pushing through. I've been doing Les Mills Pump a few times a week and started the 21 Day Fix workouts yesterday. I was so grumpy when I was doing the first workout (the whole body cardio) because I did not like the instructor, but it made me work and I felt it today. While I don't love her instructing style, she has energy and shows how to modify workouts from the start as well as during the workouts which I like. And, like I said, I felt it. While I hate being uncomfortable, perhaps my lack of enthusiasm for programs begins once I "stop feeling it." More than likely, I associate change with pain, and while I don't think this is a delusional mindset, it is one that I need to adjust. My body is still changing as the programs "get easier." But, it's not that they get easier, I get better. This is a mindset I really need to keep with me on my journey.

I am somewhat worried about how this week will work as far as exercise and healthful eating. I will be traveling to Philly/NYC Thursday through Sunday and want to enjoy the trip while still eating relatively healthy and balanced meals. My plan is to make some different muffins and protein bars to take with me as well as a baggie of carrots to eat throughout my time there. I am also going to portion out my Shakeology and just drink it with water every morning.

It's the last week of Phonathon, which means I will have my evenings back after this week! Going back to a regular schedule is going to be difficult, but the sun shining through my windows every morning has helped get me up and make me more alert. Needless to say, sunshine is a welcome change!

Monday, April 7, 2014

(Post) Weekend Update

It has been somewhat of a hectic week - as usual. Last week was fairly typical and I was able to work out Mon/Tues/Wed, but Thursday I worked a full day and we went to the Pawtucket Red Sox opening game, so I didn't get a workout in. Friday, I had attempted to work out, but was STARVING during it, so I stopped with the intent to finish after I ate. Long story short, I was looking into a deduction in my account due to a tax I wasn't aware of, called my father/the OH Dept of Tax, and by the time the debacle was over, I ran out of time to work out before I had to head to Providence. We were getting massages and the masseuse told me to drink more water and stretch more because I had so many knots in my shoulders; so many that she attempted to work them out and I was sore into Sunday. Because of that, I skipped my workout on Saturday and figured I would do a double on Sunday, but that didn't work out either - I was attempting to update my laptop OS which took FOREVER, so I didn't have enough time to workout and shower before heading into work because of all the time I spent messing around with the update (which I had read was supposed to take 20 minutes...).

Fast forward to this morning - I got a workout in! I've also gone from one extreme (eating few veggies) to the other (tons of veggies!) over the weekend and for this week. I bought: asparagus, brussels sprouts, beets, lettuce, spinach, sweet potatoes, various onions, fennel, zucchini, cauliflower, and cabbage for various different dishes this week and next. I planned on making: orange and beet wild rice salad, chipotle lentil veggie burgers, thai cabbage salad, masala tofu, indian spiced cauliflower, baked onion rings, and something else I can't currently remember. I may have gone a little overboard!

Beet and orange wild rice salad! This has been my dinner the past two nights.

I am obsessed with a chipotle honey sour cream our local fast food mexican place makes, so I bought some chipotles in adobo to make my own and can't get enough! I've been making egg wraps with black beans and red onions with this sauce:

I am hoping to get a workout in tomorrow, but I have a last minute dentist appointment in the morning; I had been scheduled for June but asked for any last minute cancellations so I could get in earlier and they weren't kidding when they said it would be last minute! But, I am glad I don't have to wait as long - it has already been WAY too long since my last appointment.

Final thoughts:
I want a micro pig. There is a pet store in town selling them, so I am going to stop by and pet them like a creeper and I am totally cool with it. I think Cat needs a friend! Awwwwwww:

I also took the Buzzfeed quiz "Where in New England Should You Actually Live" and got...Providence! Shocking...

And, this happened...good thing I can control myself when it comes to ice cream (pictures of the *5* pints will be posted after Wednesday)!

Because I am a crazy cat lady, I have to end with this picture of Cat (and me as a background creeper). Don't you think he needs a friend?!?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Fever

Spring is around the corner - I can feel it! I love being able to walk out of work at 6:00 pm on a rainy day, expecting it to be dark, but finding there is a little bit of light left. It is very motivating! But, my spring fever has kicked into over drive which makes working until 9:15 pm a struggle. Switching back to my regular 8:30-5:00 schedule is definitely going to be an adjustment, but I am looking forward to getting home from work and laying out at the beach. I am also looking forward to working out in the evenings again; I miss working out right before going to bed and getting some of the best sleep I've ever had!

In other news, below is a picture of my progress that makes me feel great, but not exactly confident...yet! About a month after I moved, I had to buy size 16 pants again. My 14's had always been snug, but I eventually crossed back over into a 16. As recently as 6 weeks ago, those pants were SNUG - to the point where I was determined to do SOMETHING because I didn't want to have to buy MORE pants! So, after a 21 Day Nutrition Challenge and my somewhat successful attempt to maintain a workout schedule and eat healthful foods, my pants now are FALLING off of me! Even the new jeans I bought at Christmas are too big; I might have to invest in a belt for them for now. I love the feeling of being able to fit back into old clothes (the 14's fit again, but they are tight - I am going to wait until I am about 175 before I start wearing them since I am always afraid to bust a seam!), but continuing to wear baggy pants is a bummer. I am in that odd stage where it seems I am in between sizes, so I would rather stick it out for a bit longer and wear baggy clothes than force my way into pants only to rip them at some point.

How do you celebrate your little successes?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

What's Your "Why?"

Last week I met a friend in Providence to see Jillian Michael's "Maximize Your Life Tour." It was broken down into three main sections: nutrition, exercise, and mentality. While most of the information was a refresher for me, there were a few things that stuck out - the biggest of which was to figure out WHY I want to make a change now. Jillian argued that humans are creatures of habit, and I would have to agree. I typically eat similar foods for months at a time, swapping a meal out here or there, but always for another extended period of time; it is comforting and I am lazy. While I can only do so much right now, my goal this summer is to try cooking a new dish at least once a week, if not twice. This may not seem like a huge deal, but it will take a lot of planning and prep. I don't cook nearly as much as I used to and when I do, it is typically easy things like eggs or various grilled cheeses. I need to get into the habit of cooking 3 big meals a week so I have variety but also don't waste food. I digress.

Back to the WHY. My second blog post spoke to my WHY, but I want to delve a little deeper into it.

  1. I don't always make myself a priority: I loved that Jillian mentioned this is an issue for a lot of people (mostly women), because I see it in myself all the time. I left everything I knew behind to learn more about myself and grow into the person I want to be. Not that I want to be selfish, but I want to be able to make decisions. I am frequently nonchalant about decisions like dinner, movies, games, etc. and I do not want to be anymore. Why should I pay $12 for a crappy movie I have no desire to see? What is wrong with going to a movie by myself if no one wants to see a movie with me? I am not sure if I will ever be the person who sees movies alone, but it's because I am CHEAP and movies are NOT. While I want to be accommodating to others, it shouldn't be at my expense. Part of making myself a priority is by working out on a regular basis. While I know 7 days a week is optimal to build the habit, I know it may not always be realistic. On the days I cannot work out, I just have to watch what I eat.
  2. It is still pretty freaking cold here. Just yesterday my boyfriend made fun of me for wearing a winter jacket when it was mid-50's out. It was just a habit and by the time we were done shopping, I had it unzipped because I was so warm. That could have also been due to my losing my wallet in Target and freaking out until I found it (a huge THANK YOU to the customer/associate who returned it without taking any money). But, the cold and rain/snow does not help my motivation for working out. However, I can also feel myself turning into my mother (which wouldn't be a bad thing!) because when I am laying down and being lazy, I think about how I should be doing some simple workout. My mom used to do small things on vacation or in the kitchen while she was waiting around and we used to make fun of her, but now I want to! I know I will get crazy looks though if and when I start breaking out into random moves.
  3. These past two weeks I've worked out sporadically and my back is screaming at me. It is just more proof that I need to exercise regularly if it means curbing back pain. 
  4.  and 5. My drive for a PhD in Public Health and Nutrition hasn't changed, but it is scary thinking about moving and starting over AGAIN and being a broke student again. More on that later.
All of these are great reasons as to why I want to get into better shape, but they're somewhat superficial. Granted, wanting to make myself a priority is important and making sure my back doesn't bring me to tears, but more than anything, I want to develop good behaviors while I can because I know as I become more busy, I will stop focusing on myself. If I develop a consistent behavior I will be more likely to maintain it as I get older. It is well known that it is harder to loose weight as you age and I want to develop healthy habits so I don't let my health get out of control. That, above all, is my WHY.

Today: Les Mills PUMP which I LOVE because it is only 30 minutes and I can do it at night without disturbing my neighbors. The frustrating thing is they take too much time in between each set to explain things. I wish there was a "new to class" and a regular version. I find myself getting bored in between sets. My muscles hurt really bad the first two days, but now I don't feel it as much! The challenge group also starts soon so I am super excited!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


I slept in pretty late today. To many of my past roommates (and parents) it may seem typical, but I typically wake up around 8:30 on days I don't have to be to work early. Today, I slept until 10 am. I woke up around 6:30 and was still really tired come 7:15 am, so I stayed in bed and actually fell back asleep. It was glorious! This whole week I slept in which meant not working out. But, I was making up for my crazy anxiety attack from last week and that 2 hour-of-sleep night; I am also still convinced I was fighting something off as well.

Another reason I took a break from working out (maybe I was using it as an excuse?) was because when I showered for the first time after having my moles removed, the areas hurt REALLY bad. Needless to say, I feared A) showering again before they scabbed over and B) how my shorts would rub the area, even with a band aid because they always ride up since I've lost weight. Today's shower was fine (thank you, scabs!) but I was still conscious of the area on my stomach when working out. It wasn't uncomfortable per say, but I was aware. I am not looking forward to the scabs falling off. Sometimes I think that is the worse part! But, considering the situation, better safe than sorry. I got my results this week and everything was clear but there was a very small amount of activity under the microscope for the stomach section so they will be monitoring it every 6-12 months to see if the color returns.

Despite sleeping in, today was productive! I (partially) cleaned my apartment, made roasted cauliflower parmesan soup, talked to some friends I hadn't spoken with in a few months, worked out, and took a really long shower (sometimes I just need one). I also got through some class work, for the one I am teach AND the one I am taking. I even got through some of the TV in my hulu queue that had been backing up. Without trying to ruin anything, can I just say - Oh my goodness SCANDAL! I was definitely crying before my workout this morning.

Food today:

  • Breakfast: a bowl of cereal (Kashi berry crunch) with soy milk.
  • Lunch: sauteed apple and beet grilled cheese with goat cheese.
  • Dinner: roasted cauliflower soup.
  • Snack/dessert: homemade museli bar, two pieces of chocolate, and vanilla bean ice cream with chocolate syrup.
I did not drink my shakeology today which I frequently forget on the weekend. I also ate ice cream which I NEVER eat at home. These are not good practices and not something I plan to make a habit out of. It's also surprising since working out typically makes me eat healthier since I don't want the workout to be for nothing!

Workout: some of my co-workers use T-25, so I borrowed it from one of them to see if I like it. I love the concept of a 25 minute workout, especially because I have to work out in the mornings (which I hate) so I like having something quick so I can workout, shower, and eat between 11 am and 1 pm. I did the alpha cardio disc today and really enjoyed it. 

Random closing note: when thinking about moving, take the location within the time zone into consideration. Dawn and dusk occur an hour earlier out here compared to Ohio which is a little more depressing in the winter. Even during the summer the sun doesn't seem to stay up much past 8:30/9 pm which stinks!

Friday, March 21, 2014


I haven't worked out in almost two weeks. There. I said it. I am not proud; it is actually embarrassing to admit since I am on a quest to get healthy. The past two weeks have been anything but. 

I am convinced I've been battling some sort of cold. It never came to fruition the way I would expect, but my body was achy and I had zero energy. Even today I've found my kidneys seem to hurt a little bit. That, on top of getting moles removed on an empty stomach, stress and anxiety, and depression have made for a rough time. But, things have taken a turn for the better and I will continue to push on. I know it is going to take some time to get back into a routine, but it is necessary if I want to be successful. I will also be starting a weight lifting challenge in April which I am pretty excited about. I know it is going to be hard at first, but I anticipate it being something I will be able to do after phonathons if I am running late in the mornings. 

More than anything, I am looking forward to the exercise helping my back and sleeping patterns! I've noticed my back has started hurting again and I haven't been sleeping well at night because of it. Since going to the chiropractor and regularly working out, I've been able to lay in bed without it really hurting at all. But, the past few days have been really rough when I wake up in the morning. This is just more proof that exercise does the body good (as if I didn't already know that)!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I've Been Neglecting My Duties

As I mentioned in my last post (a week ago...), I am really bad at being consistent with blogs. I fully intend on getting back into the swing of things fairly soon, but it has been a rough few weeks so I've been pretty MIA.

My workouts have been sporadic at best - I try to never go more than a day without doing something, but this week has been pretty bad. I fully intended on working on Monday evening but by the time I remembered, it was almost 9. Then, I got side tracked again and it was too late to really do anything without waking up my neighbors. Yesterday, I went to the dermatologist for a regular skin check and he ended up removing two moles. Since I had an early appointment and figured it would just be a checkup, I didn't eat breakfast; that was a poor decision on my part! I almost passed out in the doctors office again when I had to change the band aids that evening. I ended up leaving work early, too, so I was out most of the day. I even almost passed out this morning when I had to change them again! I don't know what my deal is - I know I can get queasy, but this has been a bit much. I do think part of the problem is that I've been so depressed I've lost my appetite, so as much as I am trying to eat healthful foods, I am just not eating very much which doesn't help either.

I finally broke below 180 again - down to 179.2 as of this morning - but I know it is not a healthy weight loss which is upsetting. But, I anticipate things changing soon (hopefully).

I've also been reading The Happiness Project and anticipate starting that (or prepping for it) in April. I like to perceive myself as a fairly happy person (outside of these past few weeks), but there is always room for improvement.

How do you kick your bad moods? I would love suggestions!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Since I bought those olive oils over the weekend, I've been on a huge popcorn kick. I converted to stove-top popcorn a few years ago and never looked back; the microwaveable popcorn contained too many added ingredients that I didn't want to ingest. I've been using the butter olive oil to pop it, but found it would start smoking before the kernels would pop, most of the kernels would only be half popped, and it would burn before it was done.

I decided to try microwaving popcorn in a brown lunch bag last night, and I've found it is SO MUCH EASIER, convenient, and less messy! I added about 1/3 of a cup of kernels to the bag, folded the top over a few times, and popped for less than 2 minutes until the popping slowed down. Once it was done, I tossed it in a little butter olive oil and salt.

I've been getting back into the swing of things over the past few days to get my workouts back on track; I also need to take some time to really plan out meals so I can really be successful moving forward. The past 3 days I've done Turbo Fire (Fire 45, HIIT 20, and HIIT 15) and started eating more veggies. They've always been my downfall and I am determined to get back to eating meals with mostly veggies. I also ordered the 21 Day Fix and can't wait until it arrives! I am looking forward to testing out those workouts and using the containers.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Two Weeks is a Long Time!

I am so bad at writing daily blog posts, so I usually go from one extreme to another with the frequency! Two weeks is a long time not to post, but there has been a lot going on (as there always will be). I need to get back into the swing of posting regularly - perhaps every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I still haven't fully decided yet, but I know daily is unrealistic and two weeks is too much of a gap.

So, what have I been up to the past two weeks? I honestly can't remember much of it! Last week we had a consultant visit which kept me busy, but was a great opportunity to improve the Phonathon. I haven't been working out regularly, but started again today (I would go 2-3 days without) and am getting back on track. I planned on getting back into the swing of things Friday since I had the day off, but my heat was off (and had been for two days without me realizing it - this is what happens when I work 13 hour days...), so I did NOTHING except lay under my electric blanket and comforter until it was fixed. It was probably in the low 50s before it was fixed. That evening I had a photography class at RISD and met up with some of the girls from the summer class I took beforehand for dinner. We went to Providence Coal Fire Pizza, which was phenomenal! Between the four of us, we split a hummus appetizer and two pizzas (with half a pizza left over). We ordered the lunch and dinner special pizzas - one had spinach, mushrooms, onions, and panchetta (on half) and the other had a cream base with brussel sprouts, caramelized onions, bacon (on half), and a garlic oil drizzle. I never thought I would crave brussel sprouts, but that pizza was amazing! They were thinly shaved and cooked perfectly! I thought for sure I was going to gain 2-3 pounds, but I've been able to maintain my weight at 180.2 for the past two weeks.

I've also come to the realization that I really need to make time to plan out my meals. It was much easier to eat a balanced diet when I could plan accordingly.

I'm reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and plan on starting my own version which I will incorporate into my blog. It may take some time, but after a long internal struggle (long story), I decided it is worth it for me to continue focusing on improving my health and outlook on life. I won't be 27 much longer, and it will just get harder to create good habits as I age, so what better time than now?!?

I will leave with the following 3 pictures:

There is an olive oil and vinegar place in Providence that sells flavored olive oils and vinegars (I bet you never would've guessed...). We stopped by this weekend since I had a gift card and spent way too much time there! It was like heaven! I really could drink vinegar from the bottle...I ended up getting:
  • Fig balsamic vinegar - for beets and goat cheese
  • Cinnamon pear balsamic vinegar - I haven't decided yet, but for some breakfast pastry
  • Peach white balsamic vinegar - for salads
  • Wild mushroom and sage olive oil - for eggs
  • Butter olive oil (it's vegan and tasted like real butter!)  - for popcorn

I took a wonderful cat nap (with Cat!) at some point over the past few days:

Yes, the only selfies I take are with my cat!
 Look at that cute face :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Weekend Indulgence

This was definitely a weekend of indulgence for me. Friday afternoon, I checked out a local clothing boutique and grabbed lunch from a restaurant that serves local food, Beehive Cafe. I LOVE their butternut squash sandwich - roasted butternut squash, spinach, tomato, cheddar, and an herbed yogurt on harvest grain bread - it is phenomenal! It also comes with spiced chickpeas, of which I only ate half.

That night, Tim and I went to PPAC to see Alton Brown and ate at one of my favorite Mexican places in RI, Viva Mexico. They have a version of  Papa's Tacos similar to San Marco's in Toledo, so I had to splurge and try them - three crispy taco shells with potatoes, lettuce, cheese, and sour cream. I was going to get the veggie burrito that I had when I was there over the weekend, but I wanted to see if the papa's tacos were as good as San Marco's. They weren't. Now I know for next time. I also ordered a berry mojito, which was really good, but definitely very sugary. The show after dinner was pretty funny. I've always enjoyed Alton Brown's shows. It was a little quirky at times, but I laughed the entire time.

Saturday I got back into the swing of things working out. I started Turbo Fire up again and got in a great workout (HIIT 15 and tone 30)! Lunch (and breakfast today) was two over-easy eggs with spinach and onions on an english muffin with feta and hot sauce. It is definitely filling. I think I need to start sticking to one egg rather than two, because one egg alone has over 60% of cholesterol for a day. 

Last night, we went to dinner at a place in Barrington, Bluewater Bar, for another indulgent dinner to celebrate Tim's father visiting. We ordered the raw seafood appetizer (shrimp, oysters, and little necks - the oysters were by far the best I've ever had; I could have eaten an entire tray of those!) and I had the sea scallop dinner. I was debating between it and gnocchi (which I always love), but wanted something a little lighter. The scallops came with Israeli couscous, spinach, onions, butternut squash, and a cider reduction. I also had a kinky ginger fizz and coffee to drink and we split dessert - Jack Daniels bread pudding - the best bread pudding I've ever had! The food was so good, but I felt like I needed to work out again when I got home! I even figured I could do my cardo stuff in the hallway so I wasn't over my neighbor's bedroom, but by the time we got home, I was exhausted and went to bed. So, this morning I had to push myself even harder!

This morning brought Fire 45 EZ and Stretch 10 - I was extremely sweaty and exhausted after. I now have an 8 hour work day ahead of me, so I am going to drink my Shakeology as an afternoon snack to help keep my energy up. I wish I could lounge away all day like Cat!

On an unrelated note, I took BuzzFeed's "Which Friends Character Are You?" quiz and got Chandler Bing, which I found amusing since I really don't think people know what I do for work; sometimes I don't even know what I do!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Light is Getting Closer

Our week of Athletics Phonathons has ended; it was a very successful week, but always more hectic than a regular week of Phonathon because of all of the prep involved. I think by the end of next week I will be able to breathe again. We have a double shift Sunday, regular Phonathon and an Athletics Phonathon on Monday, and a consultant visit Wednesday and Thursday. It is going to be insane!

I definitely need to pay more attention to the number of veggies I am eating - I only had one today in my smoothie. Definitely not good.


  1. Vanilla Shakeology with blueberries, spinach, and banana
  2. Caribbean spiced mahi mahi with mango salsa (and red onion this time!)
  3. Cottage Cheese and toast with peanut butter
  4. An apple, cheddar cheese, and 10 small croutons
I also had another chocolate from work hoping it would be better than the one yesterday - it wasn't. 

Water: 90 ounces

Workout: None - I am spending the evening with my boyfriend who I've been neglecting over the past few weeks and I didn't get one in this morning because I went into work earlier than I had initially anticipated.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Temptations, Temptations Everywhere!

One thing I've found is that I do much better with structure when it comes to my meals. Having a program like the 21 day fix/nutritional challenge really made me evaluate what I am eating and it is something I want to continue thinking about moving forward. But, it definitely takes planning. The biggest downfall of my job is the weird hours. Both yesterday and today I worked 14 hour days, which leaves little time (or patience) to prep, and today it showed. I ran out of food by 3 pm and still had 6 hours to go. But, I tried to make smart choices along the way. Another "perk" that can be detrimental to healthful eating is easy access to snacks for the callers. Last night we ordered pizza for an athletics phonathon and I really wanted a slice, but I did not indulge (plus, I can only imagine how upset my stomach would have been after cutting out fried/oily foods for virtually the past month then eating greasy pizza). Tonight we had chips and crackers and chocolates, but despite my stomach on the verge of growling, I did not eat any. Instead, I made some food when I got home just now and only ate what I needed to consume to keep me from starving and going overboard later.

I also worked out last night at 11:00 pm, after I had written my post, but later went back and edited it. However, I am truly taking tonight off from working out. My body needs time to recover and I am going to take that time tonight to catch up with things I've been falling behind on.


  1. Tropical Strawberry Shakeology with mango, dark cherries, and spinach
  2. Blueberry greek yogurt, greek quinoa and a clementine
  3. Vanilla Shakology protein ball, half an english muffin with peanut butter, and an apple
  4. Apple cinnamon oatmeal - this wasn't an ideal meal because it was prepackaged, but it was one of the healthiest options I had available
  5. Carrots
  6. Blueberries with feta and honey, half an english muffin, and cottage cheese, which I didn't eat all of
I also had a Russell Stovers chocolate that was offered on Friday, but I saved until today. It was a lemon creme chocolate, and pretty disappointing. 

Part of the reason I might have been starving all day was because I didn't have large meals, balanced meals, and I didn't even get to eat (drink) my first meal until 11:30 this morning. I had to go over to our Phonathon room to do some damage control from last night and ended up hanging this awesome wall decal I had order from Etsy - some callers had requested a map of the US with the state initials so I got one to hang and it was a 2 hour project!

Water: 85 ounces and counting, plus half a cup of coconut water, which I am obsessed with! I've even thought about subscribing to Amazon's timed delivery so I never run out. 

Workout: None! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My First Day in 22 Days Not Working Out

I had to work from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm today, which means no a late workout. It is a little weird, but I know there will be days like this where I won't be able to get a workout in or it will be a last minute workout. I had hoped to be able to do something after work, knowing it would be a long day, but my neighbors are sleeping and I don't want to be rude; instead, I did a toning workout before bed! I actually anticipate the same problem tomorrow, which is extremely unfortunate. But, Thursday I should be able to go in late and work out in the morning.

  1. Vanilla Shakeology with almond milk and spinach
  2. Lemon lime tempeh and greek quinoa
  3. Cottage cheese and two clementines
  4. Spinach and green onion salad with tuna and Simple Dressing's yogurt based ranch dressing
I also ate a Lindt chocolate at work today, which was definitely too sweet. 

Water: 100+ ounces - I lost track!

Workout: None :( Turbo Fire Tone 30! There is no cardio which means it is a quiet workout!

Now for a quick shower and bed :)

Monday, February 17, 2014


Yesterday concluded my 21 day nutrition challenge. Here is what I've learned so far:
  • I need to eat more vegetables. This is definitely where I fall short and I need to get back in the habit of eating veggies.
  • Not every workout has to be intense or long - I just need to do one a day! Even on days when I did not feel like working out, I still did and most of the time I felt better afterwards. And, even on the two days when I felt like crap, I at least felt better mentally knowing that I made an attempt. 
  • I have a better understanding of the portions I am supposed to eat. This is HUGE for me because I know I have had a problem with portion control. 
  • My cravings for sugar have gone away, which I believe Shakeology is 100% responsible for. That being said, I am not going to cut desserts out. Rather, I will be mindful of what I eat and how much I am eating. I have so much extra Greenberry Shakeology that I've wanted to make a key lime pie with it, so I will make it and bring it to work to share with people so I can enjoy it but not eat an entire pie by myself. 
  • I don't have to eat a ton to be full, I just have to eat RIGHT! 
  • I may not look drastically different, but I feel different and I feel good.

Here are my before and after measurements and pictures:

Before Measurements:
Chest: 36.75 inches
Right Arm: 12.75 inches
Left Arm: 12.75 inches
Waist: 43 inches
Hips: 43.75 inches
Right Thigh: 27.5 inches
Left Thigh: 27.25 inches
Total Inches: 203.75
Weight: 186.8

After Measurements:
Chest: 35 inches
Right Arm: 12 inches
Left Arm: 11.75 inches
Waist: 39 inches
Hips: 42.5 inches
Right Thigh: 26 inches
Left Thigh: 26 inches
Total Inches: 192.25
Weight: 181.8

Total Inches Lost: 10.75
Total Weight Lost: 5 pounds


Comparison - Before on left and after on right. I don't think I can really tell a difference except maybe my arms, but I definitely feel better and can fit into pants I haven't worn in months so I know I've changed!

 Comparison - Before on left and after on right. Again, I don't think I can really tell the difference but I can tell my body is getting smaller. One way I know is from my stretch lines not being as stretchy!

While I am somewhat disappointed in the before/after pictures, I am not disappointed in my results or the good habits I've created. I am still going to try to post every day, but I won't always advertise it - only when I have delicious recipes to share (like the coconut protein balls or key lime pie I am going to make) or weekly results. Yes, I am still gong to post a weekly weigh-in and measurements! Anything that will keep me accountable and get to a point where I am healthy again :) Thanks for following along and your words of encouragement!

By the way, here are my meals, water, and workout for today:

  1. Vanilla Shakeology with spinach, strawberries, banana, and peanut butter
  2. Lemon lime tempeh with greek quinoa salad
  3. Half an english muffin with peanut butter and banana and greek yogurt with pineapple
  4. Stuffed sol and a baked potato, with parmesan, garlic salt, and sour cream
Water: 70 ounces

Workout: 30 Minute Shred

I went down to Newport this afternoon in search of the ever elusive snowy owl and again came up short. I am beginning to think they do not exist! But, I got in a decent amount of walking. Tomorrow, I have to work from 8:30 - 9:15, so I doubt I will be able to work out. But, if my neighbors lights are on when I get home then I will take it as a green light! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 21!

Today is the "last day" of my 21 day nutrition challenge. Overall, I am been extremely happy and stuck fairly close to the plan. I would say this last week was the worst because I would forget to eat when work was so busy or days when I didn't feel great so I didn't eat much. Overall, I've learned some valuable lessons about how to approach food and I am glad I stuck with it.

Today was probably the worst day as far as meals because I was gone the majority of the day. I had to run to the Providence mall to get my laptop battery replaced; my trackpad wouldn't click because the battery was so swollen. After that, I had enough time to grab a quick bite before meeting a friend at a play. I had brought two oranges and some carrots to eat, but figured I would be starving by the time I got home and I wouldn't want to eat right before working out, so I stopped at a Mexican place I really enjoy right down the street. I probably had the majority of my carbs for the day during that meal, so I made sure not to eat anymore of them after that.


  1. Vanilla Shakeology with spinach, blueberries, and dark cherries
  2. Toast with peanut butter and banana
  3. Burrito with rice, beans, veggies, and guacamole
  4. Tempeh with greek quinoa
Water: About 65 ounces and counting

Workout: 30 Day Shred - I think I will be able to move on to the next level this week in between Turbo Fire!

Tomorrow will be my last weigh-in and measurement day (with pictures), but it will not be the end of my journey. I am still going to blog daily to hold myself accountable, but I won't always post it, so keep checking back to stay caught up! 

The best part of the day though was putting on a pair of jeans I haven't worn in months and being able to fit into them!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Lazy Saturday!

Today was a lazy day, which was much needed, filled with running errands, napping, and attempting to be productive with my Cat thwarting those plans.

It was another day of half meals because I was either out or sleeping and did not end up eating much.


  1. Toast with peanut butter and a clementine
  2. Eggs with cheddar and chives
  3. Vanilla Shakeology with spinach, mango, banana, and strawberries
  4. Lemon lime tempeh, greek quinoa with avocado, and a few slices of cantaloupe and honey dew
The shake may have been one of my favorite so far - the combination of mango and banana really brought out the flavors, which sounds weird, but is totally true.

My mom had sent me a recipe for this greek quinoa dish and I decided to make it tonight - it was phenomenal. It is definitely going to become a standard dish. Here is the recipe: - it had quinoa, red onion, spinach, feta, tomatoes, and avocado with a lemon "dressing." Yummy!

Water: About 50 ounces. I could definitely tell I was dehydrated since my mouth was REALLY dry when I was working out.

Workout: 30 Day Shred. I don't know why, but I haven't been in a Turbo Fire mood lately. I am still committed to the program, but I wanted to do some stuff that had more strength training. I am planning on doing Turbo again starting Monday and incorporating the strength exercises when I am done with the shorter workouts.

Here is a beautiful picture of the wonderful weather here! Reports say we could get as much as 11 inches of snow, total.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Today Was NOT a Good Day

We had a division meeting this morning and breakfast was kindly provided. I took food with me anticipating not having much there I could eat except fruit, but they had eggs with cheddar cheese and chives, so I had some. They also had "home fries" that looked amazing, so I took probably an 1/8 c of those. Between that, the eggs, and the fruit (which I tried to keep along the same lines of what I would have made myself), I was STUFFED the rest of the day. So, my "meals" were not very complete today.


  1. Eggs with cheddar and chives (probably the equivalent of 3 eggs instead of 2) and a few home fries
  2. Half a grapefruit
  3. Tropical strawberry Shakeology with half a banana, spinach, and strawberries
  4. Toast with peanut butter and half a banana
  5. Greek yogurt with maple syrup
Meals 3-5 were all consumed after my workout at 6:30 because I actually felt sick from breakfast. I still wasn't very hungry, but I knew I needed to eat SOMETHING other than eggs today.

Water: about 80 ounces

Workout: Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (with heavier weights!)