Sunday, July 13, 2014

Story of My Life!

There is a Aldi's that was just built in Middletown, about 20 minutes away from me. I've been wanting to go for a while, but hadn't made it yet. But, this morning I had to get a ton of food since I haven't been in 3 weeks, so I decided to check it out. When I did a generic search for "Aldi" on my iPhone's map app, nothing came up in Middletown, so I checked the store website, put in the address, and was thrilled to learn it was closer than expected! I grabbed a quarter for my shopping cart, checked my cash, and brought my reusable bags and couldn't wait to see if the savings was worth the trip. However, as I approached the area where the store was supposedly located, there was nothing but trees.

Story. Of. My. Life.

It is not uncommon for me to look for eclectic restaurants only to drive out of the way to find out they are no longer in existence; it's happened so many times it has become a joke!

I ended up back in Bristol at the overpriced Stop & Shop that makes me hate life in Rhode Island (really, the only thing that makes me hate it out here!) and vowed to figure out where the heck this Aldi was so I could go after my appointment on Thursday. Common sense kicked in and I decided to put in the address with "Middletown" after to see if it sent me to the same address in a different city, and sure enough, that was the case! Freaking Rhode Island! This state is so freaking small but they have the same address in two cities that are directly next to each other! At least I know for the next time.

One of my goals over the next few weeks is to find recipes that diversify my vegetable intake and I am starting with a one pot pasta with zucchini and leeks in white wine lemon sauce ( I haven't eaten much zucchini over the past few years because I ate so much when I first went vegan that I couldn't stand to even think about it anymore. But, I am forcing myself to try these things so I can continue working towards a balanced diet.

I am also looking forward to starting my Refresh next week! I love that these programs provide meal plans to follow that really help take the guesswork out of how much to eat each day. If you are interested in details about this program, let me know!

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