Saturday, March 22, 2014


I slept in pretty late today. To many of my past roommates (and parents) it may seem typical, but I typically wake up around 8:30 on days I don't have to be to work early. Today, I slept until 10 am. I woke up around 6:30 and was still really tired come 7:15 am, so I stayed in bed and actually fell back asleep. It was glorious! This whole week I slept in which meant not working out. But, I was making up for my crazy anxiety attack from last week and that 2 hour-of-sleep night; I am also still convinced I was fighting something off as well.

Another reason I took a break from working out (maybe I was using it as an excuse?) was because when I showered for the first time after having my moles removed, the areas hurt REALLY bad. Needless to say, I feared A) showering again before they scabbed over and B) how my shorts would rub the area, even with a band aid because they always ride up since I've lost weight. Today's shower was fine (thank you, scabs!) but I was still conscious of the area on my stomach when working out. It wasn't uncomfortable per say, but I was aware. I am not looking forward to the scabs falling off. Sometimes I think that is the worse part! But, considering the situation, better safe than sorry. I got my results this week and everything was clear but there was a very small amount of activity under the microscope for the stomach section so they will be monitoring it every 6-12 months to see if the color returns.

Despite sleeping in, today was productive! I (partially) cleaned my apartment, made roasted cauliflower parmesan soup, talked to some friends I hadn't spoken with in a few months, worked out, and took a really long shower (sometimes I just need one). I also got through some class work, for the one I am teach AND the one I am taking. I even got through some of the TV in my hulu queue that had been backing up. Without trying to ruin anything, can I just say - Oh my goodness SCANDAL! I was definitely crying before my workout this morning.

Food today:

  • Breakfast: a bowl of cereal (Kashi berry crunch) with soy milk.
  • Lunch: sauteed apple and beet grilled cheese with goat cheese.
  • Dinner: roasted cauliflower soup.
  • Snack/dessert: homemade museli bar, two pieces of chocolate, and vanilla bean ice cream with chocolate syrup.
I did not drink my shakeology today which I frequently forget on the weekend. I also ate ice cream which I NEVER eat at home. These are not good practices and not something I plan to make a habit out of. It's also surprising since working out typically makes me eat healthier since I don't want the workout to be for nothing!

Workout: some of my co-workers use T-25, so I borrowed it from one of them to see if I like it. I love the concept of a 25 minute workout, especially because I have to work out in the mornings (which I hate) so I like having something quick so I can workout, shower, and eat between 11 am and 1 pm. I did the alpha cardio disc today and really enjoyed it. 

Random closing note: when thinking about moving, take the location within the time zone into consideration. Dawn and dusk occur an hour earlier out here compared to Ohio which is a little more depressing in the winter. Even during the summer the sun doesn't seem to stay up much past 8:30/9 pm which stinks!

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